
If you are interested in our factory’s offer, we invite you to contact the GROBUD sales department. We will be happy to answer all your questions about the aluminum joinery and other products we offer. We are available at the phone numbers and e-mail address below, you can also use the contact form. Our offer is directed especially to residents of Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Poznan, Leszno and the whole Wielkopolska region. We are sure that you will be satisfied with the quality and functionality of our products.


GROBUD Sp. z. o.o ul. Fabryczna 10 62-065 Grodzisk Wielkopolski Poland

Registration data

NIP 995-01-12-089
BDO 000093303
KRS 0000085454
Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu


Tel. +48 (61) 44 53 200
Fax. +48 (61) 44 53 222
Fax. +48 (61) 64 68 560
e-mail: [email protected]

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